California Prison Slang Dictionary

This is the definitive California prison slang dictionary with over 3,000 individual entries. There is not a more comprehensive and updated version of California prison slang available anywhere else in the world. If you want to know what words California convicts actually use when communicating, this is your final destination.

California Prison Confessions

Be on the lookout for my one-of-a-kind autobiography that focuses on my time working as a corrections officer in the California Department of Corrections. I pull no punches when describing what happens behind those bloody prison walls. Rape, attempted murder, corrupt officers, prison politics, gory gangs wars, and much more are revealed in this one-of-a-kind autobiography from a sworn peace officer. The Crips on the Level 4 Charlie Yard at Centinela State Prison gave me the nickname of Superman, and it stuck with me through my tenure in CDC.

California Prison Inmate Weapons

This book presents a comprehensive compilation of a California prison inmate weapon collection, encompassing bangers dating from the 1960s to the present day. One can only fathom the extent of harm inflicted by these gruesome weapons upon their victims throughout the years. Remarkably, this stands as the largest and most extensive private assemblage of California prison bangers globally.

California Prison Inmate Art

Presented within these pages is the most extensive privately held compilation of California inmate prison art to date. Beyond the confines of prison walls lies an abundance of exceptional talent, and this book offers a mere glimpse into that reservoir of creativity.

About Eric

Eric “Superman” Sturgess is a former correctional officer for the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation. He worked at Centinela State Prison for three years before he retired due to injuries sustained in the line of duty. He worked on the Level 3 Bravo yard and the Level 4 Charlie yard as a Floor Officer for most of his time as a correctional officer.

Giving Back

As an author, I have made a commitment to donate a portion of the proceeds from my book directly to inmates I communicate with within the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation. I will also financially support organizations whose primary mission is helping incarcerated men to improve themselves. I support groups that prepare inmates to impact their communities for the better upon their release.

God bless you, Eric.
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